Chat GPT ? ( Full Detail 99.9% )

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What is Chat GPT ? Full Detail about Chat GPT

You must be hearing this name Chat GPT a lot. Everyone must be seen discussing about it. This is a type of Artificial Intelligence Bot. Whose name is Chat GPT. It has recently been launched on 30 November 2022, since it has been in a lot of discussion, but not everyone knows about it, just getting to hear from the mouth of others, so after all it is Chat GPT Kya Hai. In today’s post, we are going to discuss about how this tool works and how you can use this Chat GPT.

Chat GPT is a type of tool created by Open AI. Chat GPT Tool is quite different from other chat bot tools. When you use it, you will feel it just like Google. But it is very different from Google because whenever you search something on Google, you see whatever articles are related to it, but it is very different in Chat GPT, whenever you search the same question on Chat GPT. He will not show you different websites, he will directly give you the answer in writing whatever it is.

This means that you have to find the answer even by searching on Google and on the other hand, if you talk about Chat GPT, then it gives you a direct answer, on Chat GPT you just have to enter your query, it will give you its solution. To know the complete information about Chat GPT, if you read the article till the last, then friends, let us know about it in detail.

What is Chat GPT ?

The full form of Chat GPT is Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. It is a chatbot of sorts. Which works on artificial intelligence. With the help of Chat GPT, you can get more than half of your work done. Like whenever you search any question in Google,

Google shows you many websites, at that time you yourself have to find the answer to your question by going to all those websites and if we talk about Chat GPT, then that Searching you question in text format, he will tell you the answer directly.

Any kind of question he will give you a straight answer. With the help of this, you have to write a leave application or ask any maths question and other things about which we are going to talk below, then you keep reading till the last.

What is the history of Chat GPT ?

Chat GPT was created many years ago. It was started in 2015 by both Sam Altman and Elon Musk, but due to it being a non-profit company, Elon Musk left the project after some time. After this Bill Gates’s Microsoft Company invested in Chat GPT and launched the project on 30 November 2022.

And after its launch, its CEO Sam Altman has told that Chat GPT has become 10 million users within less than 1 week, it has become the world’s biggest record, no application has increased users so fast, nor youtube It was launched then and neither did other big apps. So you can guess from this how people are liking it.

Chat GPT
chat GPT

How does Chat GPT work ?

Friends Chat GPT is a kind of bot on which data has already been stored and all that data is taken from Google itself, whenever you do some search on it, the data it will show you would have been taken from Google itself.

It just finds and gives you what you want from the same data and you have to find the same thing in Google. It is a tool that understands what you want to know.

Because this is a trained bot, the data entered on it is of 2021, so whenever you do some search on it, it will give you the information of 2021 only. No updated data has been put on it yet, but all the data will be seen on it in the future.

If you know the meaning of its full form

Generate means the creator.

Pre-trained means that which has already been trained.

Transformer means such a learning machine that whatever we ask in text format, it can easily understand what it is asking and respond to it immediately.

How to use Chat GPT ?

Using Chat GPT is not a difficult task, we will tell you the steps below, you can easily use it by following them :-

Step 1: First of all you have to search Chat GPT on Google.

Step 2: After searching, at the top you will see a website named, you have to click on it.

Step 3: When this website opens, then you have to go to the bottom and below you will see a button named try chatgpt, click on it.

Step 4: After clicking, you have to click on the button to sign up, then you can do it with any gmail you want to sign up with.

Step 5: After this you have to fill your name, after filling the name, click on next.

Step 6: After this you will be asked to enter the mobile number. After entering the mobile number, click on Get OTP.

Step 7: After this, an OTP will be received on your mobile number, you have to enter that OTP and then click on verify. After that your account will be created.

Now you can use it easily, below you will get the typing option, in that whatever question you want to ask, you can ask it and you can also talk to it.

chat GPT working page

What can Chat GPT do ?

Friends, this question must have come in your mind that after all, what can make our work easy, so let’s know:

• It will give a direct answer to your question in text format.

• Chat GPT can give you content for blogging by writing any type of content, you can write content in both English and Hindi language, it may be a little wrong in Hindi language, but it will definitely be written. It works well in English.

• With the help of this, you can create a script for your YouTube video, on any topic, you can create your script in text format. In the script you need to remember exactly what you say in the first introduction. It is new now, so it can be a little difficult.

• You can use it for free. Money cannot be taken for using it.

• With its help, you can easily do anything by subscribing, such as answering any question.

• With the help of Chat GPT, you can easily do any Google research work on it. Here you do not need to do research, you get a straight answer.

• Chat GPT will tell you the whole process of every question related to the website like how to make a website, if there is any code work, it will also give you the code.

According to this, you can understand that it can make your work easy for hours and now only its beta version has come and now it is new, then it is giving so much work, then it can be very useful for you in the future.

chat GPT answering

Benefits of Chat GPT

There are many benefits to the user of using Chat GPT:

• He can easily find the answer to any of his questions.

• User can be easy to write the content of his blogging.

• If someone wants to go somewhere, he will give you a plan for the whole trip.

• You can easily get answer to any question related to your studies.

• With the help of Chat GPT, you can easily do any kind of work like website making, YouTube video script and application, letter writing etc.

Disadvantages of Chat GPT

Friends, there are benefits of Chat GPT, so you will also see some of its disadvantages, so let’s know:

• The data that Chat GPT currently has is of 2021, which means it does not have any new updated data yet.

Chat GPT is a kind of bot or we can consider the tool, if anything goes wrong in it by mistake, then it will show you wrong data only, so it cannot be trusted much now.

• Chat GPT is able to understand English language more at the present time, does not understand Hindi well yet and who does not understand other languages ​​as well.

• Chat GPT is still new so it is free for now but later it can be Paid because it is a type of tool which collects data from google itself then we show the same.

How to earn money from Chat GPT ?

With Chat GPT, you can earn money by getting content writing work done for blogging of your website and by putting that content on the website, but in this you have to keep one thing in mind that you should not copy that article a little too much from your side. You have to add it and then put it on your website and also keep in mind that what it is giving you in writing is new data or not.

You have to use Chat GPT in a good way, keeping all the things in mind, you can earn money in other ways like you can get the website making and coding work done so that you can make your website Or you can make others a website with money.

You can also earn money by creating a special website of Chat GPT, you can earn money by posting a daily blog about it, that is, you can give complete information about it. Anyway, it is still new, so people want to know about it, so in this way they can earn money from it.

Will Chat GPT kill jobs?

Friends, there is no danger regarding the job from Chat GPT at the present time because it is a kind of bot and it is also new, so no information can be accurate in it. Many people are feeling that their jobs may go away after this.

Friends, there is nothing like this, it is only a tool and like other tools and it is new now, so it is being allowed to use it for free, later it charges, so it will not make much difference to the job. Yes, if it is made even better, then some employed people have tension, but they also do not need to worry.

Because if someone uses it to get their work done, then it can only give you a kind of advice, it will not give you that work, you will have to do that work yourself, so there is nothing to worry about going to the job.

Can it replace Google ?

Chat GPT can never beat Google Because this one is only on Google, that is, it is a kind of website and tool and whatever data it will show you is picked up from Google itself. If it replaces Google, then from where will it show the data. Talking about Google, it has created its own ecosystem,

Chat GPT will never be able to replace it and Chat GPT will give you the answer to the question, but you cannot find out there whether the answer to the question is correct or not, whereas Google will give you the answer. The same website shows at the top whose articles are being liked by people the most. In this way we can know that it can never beat Google.

How to earn money from Chat GPT ?

You can earn money from Chat GPT in other ways like you can earn by making its blogging website and read the post to know the methods.

Frequently Ask Questions ( FAQs )

Q.1 Is Chat GPT is Free ?

Ans. Yes for some time

Q.2 How to use Chat GPT ?

Ans. To know more about ChatGPT go to 5th Heading and learn how to use Chat GPT

Q.3 Is GPT-3 Free ?

Ans. Yes for some time


Friends, in today’s post, we have given important information about what is Chat GPT and if you have liked this information today, then share it with your friends and those who do not know about it.

Also read in Hindi Click here

How to earn money from ChatGPT ? Top 10 ways to earn money from ChatGPT

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