No One Will Save You: A Sci-Fi Horror Film That Wastes Its Creative Potential

By Puspendra Kumar

– The film is a sci-fi horror film with one line of dialogue and a creative use of sound.

– The protagonist, Brynn, is isolated from her community and has to face an alien invasion in her home.

– The film builds excellent tension with diegetic sound and the house’s architecture in the first act.

– The film builds excellent tension with diegetic sound and the house’s architecture in the first act.

– The film misses opportunities for scares and uses the alien in kitschy ways that reduce the fear factor.

– The film lacks narrative context and clarity about Brynn’s past, her trauma, and her social alienation.

– The film relies on repetitive capture and release sequences that are tiring and frustrating.

– The film does not focus on Brynn’s emotions or motivations, but on the alien’s actions.

– Dever gives an impressive physical performance, but is underserved by the script and the execution.

– The film fails to deliver on its existential themes and its creative potential.