Mario Molina was born in March 1943 in Mexico City

He was educated at Berkeley College, the University of London, and the University of Berkeley.

Through his studies, he learned more about the ozone layer, which is known to be chemically responsible for its destruction. 

Their study showed that chemicals such as CFCs accelerate the destruction of the ozone layer after reaching the surface. 

He developed a model during his study which helps in understanding the destruction of ozone layer.

This model was very important for his stud 

Mario Molina received the Nobel Prize in 1995. He was the first Mexican scientist to win the prize.

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He worked tirelessly to stop the use of CFCs around the world, following the advice of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Mario Molina through his study provided detailed information about the destruction of ozone layer on the basis of place and time.

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He proved through his studies that it is necessary to stop the release of CFCs from the ocean floor to reduce the danger related to the destruction of the ozone layer caused by the use of CFC