18-Year Mystery Solved Joran van der Sloot Pleads Guilty - Natalee Holloway's Fate Revealed

Beth Holloway finally discovered the truth about her daughter Natalee's disappearance in Aruba after 18 long years.

Joran van der Sloot, the prime suspect in Natalee Holloway's case, pleaded guilty to wire fraud and extortion charges in a Birmingham federal courtroom.

As part of the plea deal, van der Sloot agreed to reveal how Natalee died and where her body was hidden.

Natalee went missing on a high school graduation trip to Aruba in 2005, and van der Sloot was the last person seen with her.

Despite being a suspect from the beginning, Aruba authorities could not build a case against van der Sloot.

In the United States, van der Sloot was charged with extortion and wire fraud in 2010 while he was in prison in Peru for the murder of college student Stephany Flores.

The U.S. government accused van der Sloot of attempting to extort $250,000 from Beth Holloway in exchange for information about Natalee's death.

Joran van der Sloot was sentenced to 20 years in a U.S. federal prison, starting after he completes his time in Peru for Flores' murder.

Beth Holloway declared that Natalee's case is now solved, and van der Sloot is no longer a suspect but a confirmed killer.

Holloway spoke in court, describing how van der Sloot bludgeoned Natalee after she rejected his advances and disposed of her body in the ocean, telling him, "You are a killer.